The pages to which this one links are "Registry Entries" for the family history. The Surname index is simply that: a list of all the family surnames I have located among the descendants of our direct ancestors. The Master Index is an alphabetical list of individuals of a given surname. Both indexes will take you to the same place but by slightly different routes.

A registry entry is a simple statement of facts about a person. Each person in this genealogy has a registry entry that provides some basic information about the individual. The registry also has sources for information included with the registry. Notes about the person are also included.

These pages are the standard format that you will find in genealogical books and records. A registry is valuable for genealogists as it provides basic information about events in the life of the individual (birth, marriage, death, where lived and so forth).The information is usually in a standard format and can be a bit boring to read. This is why I have attempted to write a narrative history of each family and an individual narrative for more recent individuals.