- (?), (?) to Adams, William Wallace
- Adler, Alma to Anderson, Janis Grace
- Anderson, Jasper to Bagley, Thomas Lee
- Bagwell, Caroline Cecilia to Baughman, William
- Baxter, Gertrude Mae to Bovee, Rodney
- Bowater, Sarah to Buchanan, William R
- Buchanon, Jessie to Carney, Stephen W
- Carpass, Devauley (Daniel) to Coffin, David
- Coffin, Deborah to Compton, Wilson
- Conaway, Alonoz Michael to Cuzick, William J
- Dage, Cynthia to Dittmer, Myrtle Elizabeth
- Dixon, Elizabeth to Erickson, Sylas Theodore
- Erikson, Helenanne to Foster, William
- Fouts, Andrew to Gissel, Wyvonne Alice
- Gissell, Alice Estella to Grobe, Gottfried Ferdinade
- Grogan, Ada M to Hankins, George
- Hanks, Nancy to Herting, Thelma
- Hess, Mary A. to Holmes, James
- Holmes, James B to Horney, Mary Jane
- Horney, Mary Louise to Hunt, Rachel
- Hunt, Rachel to Johanna, (?)
- John, Margaret to Kelly, Wren Mathew
- Kelsch, Katherine to Krepps, Olive
- Krieg, Elba Esther to Livezey, Marjorie Elaine
- Living, (?) to Martin, William
- Martindale, Etta Clara to Mcginnis, Winfield
- Mcginniss, Wilbur Ross to Mendenhall, Zella Etta
- Mercer, Dora to Mock, John Frank
- Mock, Lona to Nelson, Sarah Lillian
- Nelson, Theodore to Painter, Jessie
- Painter, John to Preston, Vera G
- Price, Aurilla R to Rinehart, William Vance
- Ring, Ruth Sylvester to Rynerson, Rebecca J.
- Ryneurson, James Otto to Sheehen, Mary L.
- Sheetz, Adda to Solt, Thomas Leroy
- Somerby, Henry to Steinfeldt, Wendell R
- Steinmetz, Catharine (Cassie) to Theiss, Maria Elisabetha
- Thember, Joan to Turner, William Richards
- Tyson, Mae to West, William
- Westbrook, Betty L to Witwer, Walter Smith
- Witzel, Adam to Zuck, Ruth E